Friday, 14 February 2014

Fashion Friday: Next

So I thought today we would shake it up a little bit... I have been browsing some of the latest styles which have been popping up all over the place over the last few weeks ready for Spring and summer and so I thought I would share with you what I am loving of the spring and summer styles this year!

You may remember last year I wrote this post way way back in January about how much I loved the offerings that Next were offering last year and this year is no different! Next have once again delivered and have some seriously gorgeous things in! As I am sure I have mentioned we are off to Ibiza for 2 weeks in May and so its that time to having a look for some pieces to add to my summer holiday wardrobe. This year will be very different from the holiday I had last year, last year was all theme parks, combats and trainers.. this year I am swapping that for flip flops and lying by the pool!

First of all can we just take a moment to just appreciate how awesome this tshirt is! I will defiantly be picking this up next time I am in Next!

£16 - available in White and Navy

Spot Bikini - £16 (Top) £12 (Bottoms) 
Sandals - £36 
Sunglasses - £12.50
Hat - £18
Pink Beach Shorts - £14
Kaftan - £20
Spot dress - £25
Play suit - £20
Jump Suit - £35

Even this early in the season there are some beautiful pieces coming through ready for the summer season. I love all of these pieces and the gift card I had from one of the doctors at work is burning a serious hole in my pocket waiting to be spent however I wanted to save it to get something for my holiday! You know I am partial to a spot or 2 and I love both the spot dress and the bikini! I don't normally wear bikinis owing to my flabby parts but when your on holiday and you don't know anyone who wants a white belly?? I am sensing lots of cute dresses and a cute alternative may be one of these jump suits which I fancy trying. And this hat! I had a hat very similar in my hand last year from h&m which I didn't end up picking up and then regretted! I definitely want a cute hat like this, this year! If this is the start of what Next has to offer this year then I am excited to see what other beauties start to filter through as the season goes on!

Do you have any loves in Next this year??

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