This fitness friday I thought I would share with you a recipe that I really really enjoyed! Bolognese pasta bake! You can use whatever vegetables you like - I used Carrots, Peppers, Courgette, Broccoli, Celery.
Basically stir fry all of the vegetables up in the wok. Add some mince (obviously you can use Quorn if your veggie). Fry up until the mince is cooked and then add in some tomatoes and seasoning (oregano) etc.
Once everything is cooked put it into an oven proof dish - top with cheese - we used motzerrela and bake for 5 - 10 minutes.
Once the cheese is golden brown on the top serve up.
I can't even tell you how yummy this was! This large portion served 4 of us for an evening meal plus 2 of us for lunch the next day! This is so cheap and simple to do and great if your into batch cooking! So simple!

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