So this week Gabby wanted us to share with you all our most loved book (or a book we hate) - there are not many books I pick up and hate because to be honest I don't pick up many books that I know I won't enjoy. However when we were talking about our most loved books there was really only 1 book (or set of books that I could chat to you about).
I am not ashamed to admit that I am a Harry Potter fan, nerd.. whatever you want to call it! For me when anyone asks me what my favourite book is, this collection wins HANDS DOWN!
Now at 24 (nearly 25) and with the first Harry Potter book coming out in 1997 when I was all sweet and innocent at the age of 8 - Harry Potter made up quite a massive chunk of my childhood with 7 books - the last of which came out of 2007 when I was aged 18.
Now I owe all of my Harry Potter fandom to my mum. She brought the first book and I read it after she had finished and enjoyed it. I had and have always enjoyed reading but I had no idea when I picked up the Philosophers Stone at the tender age of 8 that I would be reading something that I would grow to love so much.
For those who have never read the Harry Potter books they can't see the fascination with it. For some it is just a children's book. Allow me to share something with you which may make you sit down and think...
Harry Potter starts with the double murder of 2 young people aged around 21 leaving behind their baby son who now becomes an orphan. Sent to live with his aunty and uncle who can't stand the sight of him, Harry grows up in what could only be described and abusive and neglectful conditions. Harry then goes to school where he and his friends prove that some things are worth fighting for and try to prove this while risking their lives to do so.
In the second book, there is a definite element of what in our society we would call racism with the way in which the attitude that because of who your parents are (pure blood wizard who has fully magical parents calling someone with non magical parents horrible names). An 11 year old girl is effectively groomed by a handsome charming teenage boy who she thinks she can trust. Also hints of slavery with the introduction of house elves.
In Book 3 Rowling touches on the idea that someone can be considered less human because of an illness he has. We see ways in which injustice can take over and how the justice system is often far from just.
In Book 4, we see the death of an innocent young person who dies just because he was in the way. Youngsters fighting against each other in a contest including one who despite the fact he is too young to compete is still made to.
In the 5th Book see the introduction of a woman who tortures a young boy for telling the truth and sets to destroy anyone who does not agree with the same views that she has. The loss of a father figure.
In Book 6 we discover the idea that killing destroys the soul. We gain the understanding that a child is conceived under the influence of drugs. Again the loss of a well loved father figure in a way we think is unexpected murder.
In the 7th and final book we are introduced to the idea that even those privileged in society can suffer. The closest thing you could understand to how it must feel to have those you love in danger through through the war of good and bad. The story comes around full circle with the death of a young couple with a baby son who becomes an orphan. We finally gain an understand that sometimes even if someone shows real hate towards you, their inner feels may actually not be true.
Ive couldn't even tell you how many times I have read the Harry Potter books and seen the Harry Potter movies. I have even been lucky enough the visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando and the Studio tour near London. I know Harry Potter means a lot to a lot of people. For me, I have grown up laughing with the gang, crying at the death of much loved characters. The way in which JK Rowling writes really allows you to visualise your own world, even before Warner Brothers brought it to screen for us.
After ITV showed all of the movies over a few weeks at Christmas, it made me want to read the books all over again. It doesn't matter how many times I pick up these books, I still love reading them. I am currently enjoying the Goblet of Fire again and am sure that this won't be the last time I pick up and read them again. I am currently reading them on my iPad - purely our of convince because I can carry that easily in my handbag and read on the go but I have all of the books on my bookshelf and can not wait for the day when one day I can share them with my own children who I hope will love them as much as I do!
Are you a Harry Potter fan? What do you love about the Books?
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