Hello lovelies. How are we all. Its been a few weeks since I did one of these posts so I thought it was about time that we had a catch up - new month and all that so grab a drink and get comfy!
Im sporting a new cup today - some days just call for hot chocolate and today is certainly one of those days! Seriously how cold is it!!! I feel like it hasn't spotted raining for yearrrrrs (ok maybe thats a smidge dramatic!)
I can't believe it is February already! Where did January go?? It doesn't seem 5 minutes since we were cracking in the New Year and now here we are in February! Its my birthday next week (in 1 week in fact) so I have celebrations planned for that and also this month is the Midlands Blogger Meet up which I have been excited about for monnnnnnths since Emma and Kelly started organising it and I put my name down! It will be both my first time in Nottingham and more excitingly my first Blogger Event so I really am excited! Only 3 weeks to go!
Ive had a few nights out in January (which is totally unlike me usually) - last night I went out with the girls from work for a Chinese as one of the ladies I worked with retired last week. We had a really lovely night - especially after one of the girls introduced us to a game called 'I have never' - talk about laugh! Time for a cheeky outfit post as well, because lets face it you can't go out without a new outfit! I got this outfit because I thought it would serve a multitude of occasions this month - last night, the meal I am going out for next week for my birthday and also dressed down a bit with a pair of flats for a daytime look for the Midlands Blogger meet up! You may also notice that the bob is back! I went to the hairdressers yesterday afternoon and got both my bob and my fringe reinstated! I had fallen out of love with my hair - my side fringe was driving me mad and I am so much happier now its all bobby and sleek again!
So to the outfit!
Stripped Dress - £25 ( Currently 30% off) - Dorothy Perkins - Here - Also available in Petite
Pink Cardi - £16 - Dorothy Perkins - Here
Bangles - £4.99 - New Look - Not available online
Necklace - £5.99 - New Look - Not available online
I teamed it up with a pair of black tights and a simple of black heels. I also teamed up this new pink bag which I brought to match my pink themed look which I picked up for £12.99 from New Look.
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