Saturday, 1 February 2014

Cuppa and a catch up #3

Hello lovelies. How are we all. Its been a few weeks since I did one of these posts so I thought it was about time that we had a catch up - new month and all that so grab a drink and get comfy!

Im sporting a new cup today - some days just call for hot chocolate and today is certainly one of those days! Seriously how cold is it!!! I feel like it hasn't spotted raining for yearrrrrs (ok maybe thats a smidge dramatic!)

I can't believe it is February already! Where did January go?? It doesn't seem 5 minutes since we were cracking in the New Year and now here we are in February! Its my birthday next week (in 1 week in fact) so I have celebrations planned for that and also this month is the Midlands Blogger Meet up which I have been excited about for monnnnnnths since Emma and Kelly started organising it and I put my name down! It will be both my first time in Nottingham and more excitingly my first Blogger Event so I really am excited! Only 3 weeks to go!

Ive had a few nights out in January (which is totally unlike me usually) - last night I went out with the girls from work for a Chinese as one of the ladies I worked with retired last week. We had a really lovely night - especially after one of the girls introduced us to a game called 'I have never' - talk about laugh! Time for a cheeky outfit post as well, because lets face it you can't go out without a new outfit! I got this outfit because I thought it would serve a multitude of occasions this month - last night, the meal I am going out for next week for my birthday and also dressed down a bit with a pair of flats for a daytime look for the Midlands Blogger meet up! You may also notice that the bob is back! I went to the hairdressers yesterday afternoon and got both my bob and my fringe reinstated! I had fallen out of love with my hair - my side fringe was driving me mad and I am so much happier now its all bobby and sleek again!
So to the outfit!

Stripped Dress - £25 ( Currently 30% off) - Dorothy Perkins - Here - Also available in Petite
Pink Cardi - £16 - Dorothy Perkins - Here  
Bangles - £4.99 - New Look - Not available online
Necklace - £5.99 - New Look - Not available online

I teamed it up with a pair of black tights and a simple of black heels. I also teamed up this new pink bag which I brought to match my pink themed look which I picked up for £12.99 from New Look. 

So how are you all??? Let me know how you are and what you have all been up to or what you have planned! Especially let me know if you are going to the Midlands Blogger Meet Up!!!


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