Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The Musicals Tag!

Hey everyone!

Hope your all well! I thought I would do something a little different today, I don't often do 'tags' but I came across this one the other night and thought since I love a good musical so much I would do this one!

1. What was the first musical you saw in the West End??
The first musical I saw in the West End was Chicago back in 2010 at the Cambridge Theatre in London

2. What was your favourite musical growing up??
I think it was probably Les Miserables. My nanna loved that musical and while I was growing up I heard a lot of the sound track and saw the 10th anniversary concert with her. To be honest I think this is probably what got me started in musicals! 

3. Were you ever in a musical??
Obviously I have never done anything in the west end (what a dream that would be eh!) however I was in 2 musicals when I was at school; Bugsy Malone and Grease! Theres me at the back there in Grease, one of the pink ladies :P And on a side line note, the blonde haired lad sat on the oil drum is my brother!

4. Favourite musical (seen on Stage)??
Oooo now that is a hard one! I have seen some fantastic shows in the west end. I love Wicked and is my most seen show but then the first time I saw Les Miserables was absolutely magical.

5. Favourite film adaptation of a musical?
It has got to be Les Miserables. After looking forward to it for so long it definitely lived up to expectations and was fantastic!

6. Favourite musical performance??
I really love both the 10th and 25th Anniversary editions of Les Miserables - probably the 25th more as I was old enough to appreciate it and went to the local pictures to see it live :)

7. Favourite composer or lyricist??
I LOVE a lot of the songs from Les Miserables and Wicked so probably those 2

8. Favoutite song from a musical??
Again another hard one! I have quite a few, My House (Matilda), Bring Him Home, A little Fall of Rain (Les Miserables), Im Not that girl, Defying Gravity, As long as your mine (Wicked)... I could go on and onnnnn

9. Favourite quote from a musical??
"To love another person is to see the face of God" - Les Miserables

10. What show are you desperate to see?
I really want to see how they have done the theatre adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate factory - turning something well known like that can be very hit and miss if it is not done well. I loved how they had turned Matilda into a musical and although it isn't done by the same people I am interested to see how they have done another of Roald Dahls books!

11. Have you seen any musicals that you did not enjoy??
I haven't seen the full show but i saw Stomp at West End Live a few years ago and I can not say that I enjoyed it at all - it just sounded like a load of noise to me...

12. What musical makes you laugh??
Shrek was quite a giggle when I saw that.

13. What musical makes you cry??
I never fail to cry at either Les Miserables or Wicked!

14. Favourite character in a musical? 
I really love Eponine in Les Miserables - sort of the understated female character in the show.

15. Favourite actress that has been in a musical??
No matter how many times I have seen Wicked and even though I have never seen her in the show itself - Elphaba in Wicked will ALWAYS be Idina Menzal! I absolutely LOVE her!!!

16. Favourite actor that has been in a musical??
Again although I haven't actually seen him live, Colm Wilkinson will always be one of the best Jean Valjean although Alfie Boe does come a pretty close second!

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