Today is the Second topic as part of the 2014 blogger challenge! If you missed the post about what this is all about then head over to my post here to check it out.
When Gabby first set the topic of skincare topic my first thought was awww man I did a post about skincare not long ago; check it out here so rather than talking about that again, because lets face it, nothing has changed in such a small period of time, so I thought I would take a look at things from a different view; rather than looking at my own skin care I thought I would share with you my top skin care tips!
- Always take your make up off properly - there is nothing worse for you skin then the dregs of last nights make up when you get up in the morning. No matter how tired you are, always take it off!
- Eat well! - It is a well known fact that eating better and drinking more water can improve your skin - I try and drink at least 2 litres of water a day and stick away from fizzy drinks full of sugar - water is the ultimate detox for your body. Also getting plenty of fruit and veg!
- Sleep and Exercise - Up there with eating well and drinking better! General life can play havoc with your skin so making sure you get plenty of sleep (the recommended 8 hours a night if you can) and exercise is good for you because it releases endorphins in your body and helps increase the flow of blood to the skin
- Stick to a routine - I notice that my skin is so much better when I get my skin into a routine! I am really in love with the Clinique 3 step system which can be customised for your skin type. I can defiantly see the difference in my skin since I started using this
- Clean your make up brushes - Ok so we are all guilty of this one but just think about all the dead skin and oils on your face which build up over time. If you don't wash your make up brushes regularly, your just spreading this around your face which is often what causes blemishes.
- Never skip moisturiser - We all know how tight your face can feel when your don't moisturise your face properly - over a long period of time imagine what that would do! Make sure you moisturise twice a day to keep your skin nice and hydrated!
Im sure there are LOADs of over tips out there for ways of keeping your skin in tip top condition. Get yourself on top Pinterest or if you head on over to Gabby's blog which is linked up top then all the participants of the 2014 blogger challenge are linked there and you can check out some of their posts!
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