Today I want to talk to you all about a little thing called motivation and more importantly how to stay motivated!
Motivation is one of those things that if you have it, it is great, your on top of the world and you feel like you could do pretty much anything but loose your motivation and it can quickly spiral into a downwards slope!
A lot of people make resolutions at the start of the year and often it is a lack of motivation that stops them from continuing on with things so what I wanted to do is to share with you my top tips for staying motivated!
Set Goals!
I find that setting goals is the best way to keep myself motivated! This is probably because I am the sort of person who likes to make lists and then tick things off once I have achieved them. I have a list on my phone and in my Filofax of small goals which I want to achieve which include things like getting below a certain bracket of weight or getting my BMI below a certain number, taking different classes at the gym or getting into a certain size. Yes they are probably small and to some people may seem insignificant but I really feel like having them keeps me going! After all it can be a big personal achievement if you have gone from doing absolutely no exercise to putting yourself forward and doing a spin class. I use a really good list app on my phone called Wunderlist and would definitely recommend checking it out.
Keep track of your progress.
When you get going with your weight loss or fitness regime it can be hard to remember how far you have actually come. Every couple of months me and my mum have started checking out and measuring each others inches to see how much we have lost because sometimes even if your not seeing the results on the scales, keeping a check on how many inches you have lost can be quite a shocker!
Find a Buddy
There is nothing worse than going it alone when your trying to develop a new routine with healthy eating or exercise. As you know I go to slimming world and I go with my mum and nanna. It is great because obviously still living at home it means me and my mum can keep each other in check. We also go to the gym together a lot of the time as well which again helps to keep me focused and motivated! A lot of the girls I work with are also doing healthy eating (in fact most are doing slimming world) so again we are all motivating each other!
Switch it up
Quite often you can get stuck in a rut once you have a good thing going - my advice is don't! you may think if you eat the same meals week in week out then if it is helping you lose weight why shake it up but you can soon get bored and this is when you start to stray towards other things.
Get excited about food!
This goes hand in hand with the above one, get excited about what you are eating. I am always on the look out for new recipes to try and experiment with!
Treat yourself
I am not talking about treating yourself with food! I am talking about if you set yourself a goal then have a treat like a new top for the gym or even something non fitness related! I decided at the start of this year to treat myself to a Polar heart rate monitor and some new gym gear to get me feeling good about the gym again!
Pinterest is your friend
Now you all know how much I love Pinterest - if you go on there, there is a health and fitness section and this is full of fab motivational ideas and little quote to keep you on track!!!
And those are my top tips to stay on track! Have you got any top tips for staying motivated??

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