As you know I am off to Nottingham for the Mids Blogger Meet up on the 22nd of this month and I have already made a cheeky look at the shops they have to offer and left a bit of shopping time when booking my train tickets! So I thought I would put together a wish list of things I am keeping my eyes peeled for while I am there.
I have already raved about the fact that I picked up 2 of the quad mac palettes and wish when I had got the first one I had just brought a 15 palette. I have decided I love my Mac shadows so much that I want to start collecting more of them. 2 that I have my eye on at the minute are Vanilla - or another pale shade that will go with everything not like Naked lunch which I often think can look a bit pink. I also have my eyes on Cranberry which I know is a much loved shade. I will definitely be doing some swatching while I am in Nottingham and am already putting some money aside for the duty free stand at Terminal 2 at Manchester Airport! I also quite fancy trying the Mac foundation but I know they can be quite expensive. To be honest I just want to have a mooch at these. Real techniques have brought out some new brushes recently and one that I have my eye on is the Silicone Liner brush. I love applying gel liner and I have heard fab things about this. I would also love to try the blending sponge which I have looked at 2 or 3 times in Boots and not picked up. And finally I am in LOVE with this tshirt and feel that it definitely needs to come home with me!
I will be sure to share whatever I pick up in Nottingham with you when I get back!!!
Do you have any Mac eye shadow shades? What are your favourites?? Any I should keep my eye out for?
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