What are you wearing?
Well right now I am wearing a Tshirt, a pair of comfy house trousers and a hoody because I am freeeeezing!
Ever been in Love?
At the age of 25 this is probably going to sound really sad but no I haven't.
Ever had a terrible break up?
How tall are you?
5ft 5"
How much do you weight?
Too much!
Any Tattoos?
Any piercings?
Just my ears
To be honest I have never really followed the whole OTP thing....
Favourite Show?
At the moment I am loving Mr Selfridge. I always love Downton Abbey when that is on. I also love Glee which I am waiting to come back!
Favourite music artist/band?
Hmmm thats a hard one, I quite like a lot of different things. I am loving passenger at the moment.
Something you miss?
The sunshine! Hurry up summer!
How old are you?
Just turned 25
Zodiac sign?
Quality you look for in a partner?
Honesty, Someone that can make you laugh,
Favourite Quote?
Live, Laugh, Love
Favourite Actor?
Hmmm so many!
Favourite Colour?
Pink, Purple, Red
Loud Music or Quiet?
Depends on the situation.. I do like to sit earphones on and listen to music and blast it out!
Where do you go when you are sad?
I find going for a walk when I am sad rather therapeutic! Not necessarily anywhere in particular, just pounding the pavement with my headphones on!
How long does it take you to shower?
Depends if I am washing my hair or not... usually about 10 minutes.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About 45 minutes although I can get ready in about 15 minutes if I don't mess about (or have to dry m y hair etc)
Ever been in a physical fight?
Eeeek NO!
Turn on?
I love men with nice eyes!
Turn off?
Arrogance! I can't stand man who are arrogant!
The reason you started blogging?
When I finished uni I was at a bit of a loss of what to do and was applying for jobs left right and centre and getting nowhere... I started blogging to keep me sane!
Loneliness, failure, not being happy
Last thing that made you cry?
I can't remember - It was probably something daft - I do cry quite easily!
Last time you said you loved someone?
Meaning behind your blog name?
To be honest it was just one of those random things that just popped into my head. I am quite crafty and love anything with buttons - especially those buttons that are just random and unloved that you can bring back to life by adding them onto something else.
Last book you read?
Im currently working my way through the Harry Potter Books, Im about half way though the Goblet of Fire so the last full book I read was the Prisoner of Azkaban
Last show you watched?
Currently catching up with the Voice from Saturday
The relationship between you and the last person you text?
She's my brothers fiancé
Favourite food?
Probably chicken
Last place you were?
Well the last place I was that wasn't my home town was Manchester
Do you have a crush?
Last time you kissed anyone?
Last time you were insulted?
Nothing sticks in my mind
Favourite flavour of sweet?
What instruments do you play?
None although I would love to be able to play the piano
Favourite piece of Jewellery?
I have a few special pieces...
Place you want to visit?
I realllllly want to go to New York! I think someone needs to take me!
Last song you sang?
Probably something I was warbling along to on iTunes with my headphones in!
Favourite chat up line?
I am crap at this kind of stuff
Have you ever used it?
I don't think I have ever used a chat up line!
Last time you hung out with anyone?
Who should answer these questions next?
So I tag the following people...
Sarah from Mums Little Beauty
Charl from Ginger Girl Says
Bicky from Tastes like Glitter
Kelly from To become mum
Charl from Secrets Behind the Closet Door
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