Now I won't lie, I have worked my way through my fair share of hairdressers over the years. I went through a period of my life where I just bounced between the different salons in my area going where they were looking for models and where ever they had the best offers on!
I thought I found my soul mate a few years ago, a hair dresser opened up a salon around the corner from my house and I went to her for ages. Then gradually things started to slip and I went to her twice in a row and hated how she had done my hair; once with the way she had cut it and once, just before Christmas 2012 when I was daring enough to go and get my first ever highlights done and she made a total mess of it - Blonde highlights instead of the coppery coloured ones I wanted!
Anyway needless to say I was in the market for finding a new soul mate! So I spent the christmas hating my hair and one day at work while browsing the intranet on my work break I came across an offer that one of the local hairdressers, part of the Francesco Group was running.
I forget how much the voucher was now but it offered considerable discount to the normal pricing in the salon and included a cut, cut and colour, blow dries and treatments.
As soon as the voucher was activated in the January I booked into the hairdressers and was excited for when my first cut came along. When I went at the end of January last year for my first cut I knew instantly that I had fallen in love with the salon. The staff were all lovely and Matt the salon owner who cut my hair made me feel instantly at ease. I have always felt a little uncomfortable at the hairdressers - spending all that time looking at yourself in the mirror and often it can be a real effort to have a conversation.
My first cut started with Matt sitting down on a chair next to me (rather than just standing behind me and looking in the mirror and chatting to me about my hair. He asked me all kind of questions about how I did my hair, what products I used and I really felt like he was interested in me and my hair instead of just lopping off what he could. We chatted like I had known him for years and I came out of the salon feeling amazing. Every time I have gone back, whether it be for a colour or fringe trim, the staff are always lovely, even when I bob in unexpectedly the staff are always willing to try and fit me in.
I haven't looked back since! I have to say I have not only have I found my soul mate I have found my soul salon (Does such a thing exist? Apparently so). I have had my hair cut by several members of staff at the salon now, each one as lovely as the other.
I feel like since I have started going to Francesco's my hair has never been better. I have never been happier with my hair than I am at the moment. I am hopeless when it comes to my hair and when I go into the salon with an idea, gentle suggestions are given but never forced upon.
If your in the market for a new hairdresser I would definitely recommend trying the Francesco group - find your local salon here
Have you met your Hair Soul Mate???
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