Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Company review - Vista Print

Vista Print is one of those companies I have heard a lot about over the years however never a company I have ordered from. However I decided a few weeks ago after reading a couple of other blogs, that I wanted to order some blogger business cards. I had been thinking about it for a while but to be honest, I didn't really see the point, I blogged on my own small little bit of the internet and got very little attention doing so, was it worth it? However when I signed up for the Midlands Blogger Meet up I thought it may be a good way to share my blog with the ladies who were attending on the day.
After looking on the internet at the companies I could choose from; Vista Print, Moo and Zazzle. Now as you know I have a background in ICT and love graphic design and designing things so I wanted to pick a site that was easy to use and upload my own created image which wouldn't cost the earth.
I looked into all of these sites and compared the prices of the cards and in the end I went with Vista Print - I couldn't fault at all how easy their site was to use or how cheap their cards were. I knew that Vista Print cards were good quality because my dad had used them to get some for his photography company.

So I got my photoshop on - uploaded my photo and browsed the pricing. While I was doing it my brother told me he had a 30% off code which worked nicely with the offers that Vista Print already had on and I got 500 business cards for £11.66. Along with this I also decided to order a keyring, just as a little treat to myself which was £2.28. Also with this I got a free business card holder which is one of the metal ones. To be honest this is great but I am not sold on it as it is one of the ones that you can see finger prints on when you touch it and with my nails it is quite difficult to open.

Once I had ordered, my order took just over a week to come which was fab - especially when I hadn't paid postage and packing either and they had come 5 days before the projected delivery date. So here they are....

I am so happy with how these have turned out! They are so cute! I am really glad I decided to order these, it will probably take me forever to get rid of all of these but I can't wait to start using them!!!

I can definitely recommend using Vista Print if your in the market for some business cards - however take a look at their site because not only do they do calendars, phone cases, mugs, canvas's, tshirts - you name it they probably do it...

What do you think? Are blogger business cards necessary? Have you used Vista Print???

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