Hello my lovelies? How are we all on this fine very chilly sunday?
I thought I would bob on and just share a few nosey photos with you from my birthday celebrations over the past couple of days - my birthday having been yesterday!
On Friday night me and my family decided that we were going to go out for a Curry. One of the curry places that we have our take away if ever we have one has just moved to a new bigger venue and we have never tried the restaurant part of it so we decided we would go here. Here I am with my Dad and mum on the left and my brother and his fiancé on the right! We had such a lovely night and a right giggle.
Yesterday we went out for breakfast - just the 4 of us which was lovely - obviously as we are growing up these occurrences of there just being the 4 of us are getting less and less and my brother obviously spends a lot of time with his fiancé so it is lovely when the 4 of us actually do things like this!
I opened my presents yesterday morning and was greeted with this gorgeous new ring - I knew this is what I was having as I had picked it a few weeks ago and had to have my ring finger remeasured as the reason I wanted to get a new ring is that my other one I had for my 18th was getting too big so I have swapped it on to my middle finger on my left hand for now.
I had money from my Nanna and Grandad who thought it would be better for me to be able to get something for my holiday and I had money from the girls at work because we have started a collection thing where we all put £5 when it is someones birthday.
One of my friends at work was naughty and brought me a present and got me the Naked 2 palette which now completes my set of the 3 - which makes me very excited and spoilt for choice now!
My brother and his fiancé got me a cocktail making set complete with recipe book, shaker and little umbrellas and we definitely had some fun with this last night!
And of course what is a birthday without cake? We had my Nanna and grandad round to our house last night and my brothers fiancé and had a buffet and cake and a good old giggle!
Overall a pretty smashing birthday I would say! And so far 25 is treating me quite well! Lets hope being a quarter of a century stays this good!
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