Monday, 17 February 2014

High End vs High Street

It is probably one of the most debated questions in the blogesphere? High end or High Street??? Do you get what you pay for or are you just paying for a name.

When it comes to both beauty and fashion, I have always very much been on the side of the high street. Maybe it is because I don't live in a town where high end stores are widely available... we have no Mac, no Illamasqua, no Nars! So I have always used high street and drug store products when it came to beauty. The same could be said for Fashion, even the stores we have here are very limited - roll on the new shopping centre being built!

Only recently over the past couple of years did I start to add a few High end products into my make up collection with a few benefit products and then a few Mac products but I made sure that before splashing out on these products I did a hell of a lot reading up about what products to pick up.

More and more we see the introduction of dupes for the high end products appearing in the market. Clinique the chubby sticks and Revlon were not far behind with their own offering, Maybelline brought out their 24 colour tattoo pots to rival Mac paint pots and even recently they brought out their Baby Skin Pore eraser - a dupe for Benefits Porefessional.

So do you really get what you pay for when it comes to high end beauty products. There are certain products in my make up box that I wouldn't dream of going to high end. I love the Rimmel stay matte powder and wouldn't even think about spending more than the £5 on a powder. However I have to say I am totally in love with the high end eye shadows which I have in my collection - I really love my Urban Decay palettes (Now 1, 2 and 3) and find the colour pay off on these is brilliant, as with the Mac eye shadows. Now that I have discovered the Maybelline Baby Skin I would think twice about buying the Benefit Porefessional but I wouldn't be without my Benefit Hoola Bronzer.

I think high end vs high street is always going to be one of those debates that will forever go on! There is always going to be those who love the high end and those who stick to the high street. For me I like to think that I lie somewhere in the middle. I think it is about finding the perfect balance for yourself.

What do you think? Which end of the scale do you sit on? Which High Street and High end products could you not live without??

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