When I read online last year that they were bringing out a movie of this, I went through a mix of emotions. I was excited to see how they portrayed it on the big screen but there had been some amazing actors on the west end who had played the roles, Colm Wilkinson, Michael Ball, Alfie Boe... could they really find a cast of actors to play it on the big screen who matched up to their talents? I kept a close eye as they announced the cast online. Then as the trailers started to come out I got more and more excited to see it! The trailers were amazing!
I went along to the pictures yesterday with Mum and Nanna to see the movie, tissue and waterproof mascara at the ready. I balled like a baby when me and Matt saw the show in the west end and when we saw the 25th Anniversary concert at the cinema. There are certain songs which just make me really tearful... Bring Him Home, Empty Chairs and Empty Tables, I dreamed a dream and the Epilogue... they get me every time.
I have to say I dont think I have every cried so much at a film in my life, and you should have seen me during the last Harry Potter movie. When I came out of the pictures my t shirt was absolutely soaking where tears had ran down my face. It was a good job that I chose to wear waterproof mascara as I would have definitely looked like a panda!
I honestly can not even say how amazing this film is! Director Tom Hooper has done a fantastic job of taking stage to the big screen. The cast were absolutely fantastic. Hugh Jackmans potrayal of Val Jean is amazing. I grew up watching Colm Wilkinson play Val Jean which is a role he is born to play. I have always been a bit dubious that anyone else could be as good until we saw it in the west end when it was understudied by a young lad. It was at the time that Alfie Boe was playing him. When I saw Alfie Boe do it on the 25th Anniversary concert he did a fantastic job. When I found out Hugh Jackman had been cast I wasnt sure but I have to say he was absolutely brilliant. The emotion he brought across was absolutely brilliant and there were several points in the film when I was in tears at the way he acted a scene.
Anne Hathaway did an absolutely fantastic job as Fantine as well. She wasnt in the film for very long but she did an amazing job. Her portrayal of Fantine was breathtaking... especially in the scene when they cut her hair. There was something more heartbreaking knowing that was actually her hair!
I thought Russel Crow did a brilliant job acting as Javert but I didnt think his voice was overly brilliant.
I could go on mentioning all the different members of cast... I wont because this blog post would be extremely long!
Let me just sum up and say this film is absolutely fantastic. It is very well made and offers a chance for the story to be brought together. It is good to see the actual scenes coming to life. I definatley think i you are going to see this, take a packet of tissues with you!!!
Have you seen this movie yet? What did you think???
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