Friday, 11 June 2021

Baby No2: Hitting the Third Trimester

So yesterday officially marked the start of my third trimester in this pregnancy! I have to say it does seem to be flying by this time while going slow all at the same time. I am desperately trying to enjoy every single moment of this pregnancy, knowing this is the last baby we plan to have so I want to embrace every little thing. 

What has surprised me is how different each pregnancy can be. I have heard people say it before but I guess until you're actual in that situation you don't realise this for yourself. 

This time round has been SO different than when I had Erin. I was so convinced up to the gender scan we would be having a little boy because of how different I felt. When I was pregnant with Erin my morning sickness was absolutely awful and I was sick at least 2-3 times most days from about 6 weeks until around 22 weeks. This time I started feeling sick again around 5-6 weeks and prepared myself for the same as last time but I was actually only sick around 3 or 4 times throughout the whole of my first trimester although I did spend all day feeling sick which I am not sure if that's worse. Around 14 weeks this disappeared all together which was great! 

One thing I have suffered with this time which I didn't with Erin is horrific back and hip pain. Apparently this is really common in second pregnancies and is all to do with the hormone relaxin which makes everything as the name suggests, relax. It was getting so bad, I have actually started to see a chiropractor which has actually been really helping although I still have good and bad days depending on what I am doing (it gets particularly bad if I do a lot of walking). 

Other than that I have been feeling pretty good. We are just starting to get everything organised and finalised in the nursery and should be getting the last bits of furniture we need next weekend. We saved everything we had with Erin so I need to start sorting the boxes of smaller clothes and checking what we have as I know some of the 0-3 and 3-6 stuff won't be suitable as Erin was a spring baby (born in 2018 when we had that lovely heat wave from April - September) so a lot of the things are the wrong season but obviously things like baby grows and vests are universal no matter what season. 

Either way I’m excited for the countdown to meeting our littlest girl! I’ve officially made a start of my hospital bag so I’ll be sharing that as soon as it’s finished and organised!