Tuesday, 23 March 2021

The year we all changed

I’ve been thinking about taking pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) for a while as I miss my little space on the internet. I’ve had this little space for 10 years this year and over the years I’ve felt so much pressure to try and follow the trends and do what everyone else is doing... as the blogging community died off in favour of YouTube I felt like there was no point in carrying on! What I’ve realised is this blog doesn’t need to be for anyone else but me! A place for me to share my thoughts, to chat, to share memories... and if people come along for the ride then perfect! 

Today felt like the perfect day to write a little catch up as today marks 1 year since Boris Johnson announced the first UK lockdown (claiming it would last 3 weeks) . Here we are 12 months later and what a strange year it’s been. We’ve missed family and friends, none of the normal day to day things we take for granted like nipping to a shop or going out for tea have been allowed, and Adam has spent more time at home on furlough than he has at work (as I work for the NHS I’ve been working right through). They keep promising that life is going to go back to normal... who knows what normal is anymore... I think what we can hope for is a new normal. I think it’s what we all need. 

Life has been pretty hectic over the past 12 months. As I say I have worked all through but we managed to squeeze in a lovely family holiday in September in between lockdowns and a trip to Peppa pig world in October just before lockdown 2.0. We added 2 nieces to the family in September and December (one of whom we haven’t been able to meet yet) and in December just before Christmas we had the best Christmas present of all when we found out we were expecting our second baby! 

I’m now nearly 17 weeks pregnant and we found out this week we are expecting a little girl. Erin is massively excited to be a big sister and we can’t wait to complete our family! 

2020 will certainly be a year we will all remember and will go down in history as the year the world almost stood still. I’m hoping as we creep more in 2021 there’s a light at the end of the tunnel but who knows! All we can do is keep hoping and keep staying safe!