14 weeks is a long time. Lots of things have changed in that time. Time is both moving really quickly and slowly at the same time. One day just seems to roll in to the next, I have no idea what day it is but on the whole it hasn’t been too bad. I have still been going to work for part of the week so it’s been a small slice of normality for me, even though I’m doing something different and supporting another team.
As we start to gradually move out of lockdown and things start to return to some kind of new normal, I honestly feel like I am coming out of the other side of lockdown having grown as a person (cheesy I know). Here’s some things I have learnt....
It is ok
Yes we are in a global pandemic and everything is different but you know what it is ok to crave things that your missing out on however big or small. I’ve seen lots of posts online from people saying how selfish it is to be sad about things you had plans that you can’t do because of lockdown... I’ll be honest it’s not selfish at all... yes we all understand lockdown and the reasons for it but that doesn’t mean we can’t be sad about that missed birthday celebrations for your little one, your family holiday, days out you had planned. Even the simple stuff like swimming lessons, going to church, heck even just the simple things like going to mum and dads for a coffee and a chat.
Enjoy time together
Life sometimes can be so hectic. I’ll be honest, some weeks it feels like Adam and I barely see each other in the evenings with him doing choir practice, teaching piano etc so one thing lockdown has taught is to do is enjoy the time together we have. We got into a terrible habit once Erin was in bed of sitting watching the same old rubbish on TV - Normally repeats of old panel shows like QI or something like that which is Adams default to put when there is nothing on tv. We would basically sit there and both either playing on phones or laptops and spend the evening just sat there.
Over the last couple of weeks in particular, we have been playing games together on the Nintendo switch and we did a jigsaw which Adam brought me the Christmas after we got married with a wedding photo on. We spent just under a week doing it and now it’s ready to glue and frame. We enjoyed it so much we ordered a couple more.
Self care is important
I think we can all admit that we are guilty of spending so much time rushing around that we often neglect ourselves in the process. I’m the first one to admit I’m guilt of this. I’m so busy spending time trying to make sure everything is organised and planned, taking time for myself comes right at the back of the queue. I’ve been trying to take some time for myself to properly look after my skin, time to draw which I absolutely love and reading which I haven’t done for a long time... I even dug out my kindle!
Appreciating everything
I think one of the main things you suddenly learn when your unable to do something is how much you appreciate it. Once we were told we were in lockdown, you suddenly realise the importance of being able to nip round to family and have a coffee or just visit when you want. Suddenly being only the next street away from my mum and dad, but not being able to visit was horrible. They may as we have been on the other side of the world. About 4 weeks after we went into official lockdown, my Nanna fell and broke her hip and shoulder. Even something as simple as someone being able to go to the hospital with her, and being able to visit changed. We haven’t seen her since then and it is the hardest thing in the world to know she’s all alone and not being able to visit her in the hospital especially as she has had quite a difficult time of it. Once all this madness is over, I am vowing to try and appreciate every little thing in my life.
The waste
I started being more conscious about the amount of waste and things we produce as a family way before lockdown and thought about ways we could maybe try and reduce this. Slowly I have started to introduce new things into our lives to try and reduce this. One of the main things we did was to swap to using reusable baby wipes. I’d seen a number of times over on Charlotte Taylor’s Instagram that she used something called cheeky wipes but felt like as Erin was coming up to nearly being ready to potty train, wasn’t sure if it was worth the investment. I decided to give them a go anyway and ordered a couple of the sets they have on offer - one for nappy changes and another for hands and face. I am honestly completely converted and wish it is something we had found sooner. Not only am I converted but so is Adam who normally when I decided to try something like this just kinda goes with it as one of my crazy ideas but he absolutely loved them too. We’ve found them so much better and when it says one wipe per poop - it really does mean it.
Slowly I’m introducing other changes too - we brought a compost bin for food and garden waste, I’ve brought reusable sheets for my oven instead of using so much tin foil and I even brought some bees wax to make my own wraps!
Embracing things - a change can do you good
I have been straightening away my curly hair for at least the last 10 years and couldn’t imagine not using my GHDs. Most people when I say my hair is curly are total jealous and would love the curls but I think after getting some mean comments when I was teaching from some of the students (looking back silly little year 9 boys who used to tell me I looked like Heather from Eastenders) I decided to change it.
One of my friends posted on Facebook just after lockdown about the curly girl method - a way of cowashing your hair to embrace and enhance the curls. I had seen another friend mention it a few years back and when I saw it this time I decided to look into it a bit more. Lockdown seemed like the perfect time to give it a go. On 23rd April I did my first curly girl wash and I haven’t picked my straighteners up since. Yes there has been up and down days but I finally feel like it’s starting to look nice instead of a hot frizzy mess.
What have been the biggest lessons you have learnt during lockdown?
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