Monday, 2 August 2021

Life with Mrs B: The Relaunch

Back in June, behind the scenes, I decided to give my blog a little make over and do something I have been thinking about for a long time and buy my domain name. That was literally all I did... I published one post in June which I didn't really mentioned and haven't posted since, in a mass of busyness and craziness with the intention of sitting down and some point and properly looking to relaunch my blog. 

I love my little corner of the internet and while blogging may be seen as a dying art, I love being able to look back and read the things we are up to and sharing reviews online of things we have done and places we have been to (even if no one is reading them). 

As you can imagine, things are getting a little hectic around here... I finish work this week for maternity leave and am frantically writing a essay which is due not too far from my babies due date as part of the modules for my first year of my masters. Ive also got an exam on the 17th August so I need to start revising for that too (and hope I make it to the exam date without going into labour early). 

Im currently 35 weeks pregnant and baby girl is extremely low down. I don't ever remember being this uncomfortable and low down with Erin who was born at 38 weeks by induction so I am just hoping that she will let me at least get some of the things done I have got planned over the next couple of weeks before she decides to make an appearance! We are pretty much ready for her now, we did some more bits over the weekend including all the practical things like getting the car seat down from the loft etc and my hospital bag has been packed for a few weeks with the exception of a few bits. 

Like I say, this is going to be my little corner online to share, I don't know what its going to turn out like yet. I have lots of ideas of things I want to share and write about and I'm hoping that being able to write online while im on maternity leave will give me something I enjoy too.