How are we all? Are you all enjoying this lovely weather! Grab yourself a nice ice cold drink or an ice pop and lets catch up. If you love an ice pop I can definitely recommend these that I picked up from Aldi last week! 99p and they are absolutely lush!
The last couple of weeks have been SO hectic! I mean I know life with a newborn is hectic anyway but even more so this last couple of weeks battling to try and get the house sorted after the leak we had! I never did fill you in...
Basically one morning - when Erin was 12 days old, I woke up at around 6.45am to water dripping on my face... I was a bit confused and nudged Adam who went to have a look at the window to see if it was raining... men eh!
I said again about there being water on my face and he went from our bedroom and into the bathroom next door where you could hear the sound of practically Niagra Falls (I kid you not). There was literally water pouring through the light fitting, down the walls.. everywhere! I scooped Erin up and told Adam to run downstairs to turn the stop tap off while we figured out what was going on and I had a little cry on the end of the bed about the fact that this was all happening while we had a 12 day old baby! I threw some clothes on, filled a bag with stuff for Erin and rang my mum in a total flap asking if I could come round to their house (luckily they live in the next street along) and went downstairs to find the a huge hole in the ceiling and water all over the living room floor!
Anyway I went off to mum and dads and Adam (who luckily was still on Paternity leave) sorted everything and rang the insurance company etc.
Its been a long process of loss adjusters, professional driers and dehumidifiers, having the floor ripped up in the living room and having to live with a concrete floor for the past 6 weeks or so but I think we are finally getting there. I have been very insisting with the insurance company about getting the work done quickly with having Erin and on Monday the builder finally came round to double check the work and say he could potentially start next week or the week after! I am so relieved as it has been horrible. You can NOT get cosy in a living room with no flooring. We have no floor in the bathroom, the paint is all pealing off on the bathroom walls and theres a massive crack in our bedroom ceiling (not forgetting the hole in the living room ceiling too). The builder said we are lucky to be getting done so quick as some people have waited 9 or 10 months but there was no way I was letting it drag on any longer! So hopefully we are nearly sorted! We've had to pick all new paint and wallpaper which is a little annoying considering we only decorated a year ago when we moved in but has allowed us to change things up a bit and have been able to swap from laminate to carpet in the living room! If you head over to my Instagram I am sure I will post come pictures over there once the work is done.
Elsewhere Erin is continuing to discover new and different things. Last week we went to our first baby class - Baby Sensory! Erin absolutely loved it! She has really started to come into her own and get more alert looking at different things these last couple of weeks. I brought her a hanging toy for her pram a couple of weeks ago and she is obsessed with it!
In line with all the work we have been doing inside the house we have also been sprucing up our garden which is especially nice in the lovely warm weather we have been having. We hadnt enjoyed the garden that much last year and it has been difficult because we didnt let our 3 cats outside because we live on a main road however since having Erin they have got really restless being in all day so we decided to bite the bullet and let them out! What it now means is we can sit and enjoy the garden with the doors open so we are trying to get the garden lovely so it is an extension to the house. I am currently sat outside with Erin in her pushchair in the shade which is lovely! I could get used to this! Lets hope the sunshine lasts!
My Book business is going really well. I am enjoying being able to build a beautiful collection for Erin and this week I even got my first new team member which means I get to help another lovely mummy build a business just like mine which is exciting. If thats something you like the sound of give me a shout!
Anyway my lovelies. I think that is all for now! I am on the hunt for some more baby classes and new things that me and Erin can try. My friend from work who is also on Mat Leave has just booked us tickets for Bring you own baby comedy in Manchester in September where Jason Manford is appearing. It is basically a comedy show, in the day so its like a night out you dont need a baby sitter for because you can take your baby along for free. Find the details here as there is lots of different venues. Cineworld also do something similar called Cinebabies where they show normal films but have the volume lower and it is more baby friendly. I am hoping they will have Mama Mia 2 on that when it comes out! If you know anything else like this please let me know!
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