Heres a few things that no one tells you about being a new mummy (and a couple you will probably hear over and over again)
- Even if you say you won't be that parent that talks in ridiculous baby voices or use made up words.. suddenly you find yourself doing exactly that! Embrace it... it happens to us all...
- Get used to drinking cold tea or coffee or not drinking them at all. And suddenly the moment your able to get through even half a cup of one its the most magical drink you have ever experienced!
- You become the master of doing things one handed... I can count on one hand the amount of meals I have eaten with 2 hands! I have become a master of eating meals with a baby on one knee because no matter how you try and time eating, babies suddenly have a sixth sense for the moment you are eating
- Babies are like people magnets, particularly old ladies! The amount of people who will just come over (that you don't know) and have a little nosey in the pram for a peek and to tell you how beautiful your baby is is amazing. Particular hot spots for this.. Marks and Spencer's and Coffee shops
- After the excitement of finally being able to park in a parent and child spot when you go to the shops you quickly realise you can never get one because they are always full! For some reason shops (particularly where I live) only have like 5 parent and baby spaces yet have about 20 disabled spaces! And suddenly you also realise what an idiot people are when they park if you have to park in a normal space!
- You will suddenly become that person who has never been more excited when a little person poops! For the first 8 weeks or so, Erin really struggled with going for a poop and would only go maybe twice a week. Trouble is it would be horrible for her because it would cause her such pain bless her - you know what it is like yourself.. imagine being that small and not understanding whats going on! Luckily that problem has sorted itself out!
- Your camera roll on your phone becomes 99% baby photos and you have to seriously hold yourself back from posting ever single cute photo all over your social media
- First Baby? Worried you wont know what your doing? I'm the first one in our family to have kids so there are no babies that I have been around so this was all very new to me and a little part of me worried that even though I had read up on everything, I wouldn't have a clue what to do... if this is you don't panic... suddenly some kind of instinct sets in the moment you hear that first cry!
- Suddenly everyone is an expert in babies and will give you advice, whether you ask for it or not...
- When you finally feel ready and up to leaving the house its suddenly like a military operation making sure you have everything you need... Baby - check, Food - check, nappies - check, umbrella in case of sun, rain cover in case of rain, change of clothes! The list is endless!
Just remember... how ever your feeling... you got this girl! So what if it takes you until 10am to get yourself and the baby dressed some days! Your rocking it!
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