What is it about trying for a baby. Everyone makes it sound so easy and beautiful. No one ever sits you down when you start trying to tell you the pants side of it. We have been trying for just over 6 months now and I thought I would share with you some of the realities of being a couple who are trying to conceive.
Hot Gossip!
The minute we got married, the questions that followed were when we would hear the patter of tiny feet! Everyone suddenly wants to know when your thinking of starting a family or if your trying (which personally I always find weird.. you may as well just say to people "Yes were having lots of sex").
Remember how you used to memories all that MSN text speak as a teenager.. there is a whole new language out there. You suddenly become an expert in acronyms like TTC, DPO, AF.
The 2 week wait
That 2 week wait between your most fertile time at ovulation and when your period is due is like the longest 2 weeks EVER! I am not even kidding! Time seems to somehow go slower.
Naughty Body
As you get closer to your period being due, your body suddenly starts playing tricks on you with phantom symptoms only for your little friend to show up!
The pre period tester
No matter how many times you say you won't be that person who takes a test as soon as you can you just can't help it. I said i wouldn't be that person but there is just something that forces one of those pesky clear blue tests into your weekly shop so you can find out 5 days before your period is due! Don't be that person! It costs a small fortune!
Its everywhere!!!
The minute you start trying for a baby, suddenly every man and his sister are announcing on Facebook, Instagram, twitter.. you name it...
The old wives tale
I think this increases the longer you try. We've all heard those old wives tales.. legs up the wall (tried it), eating pineapple the week of ovulation (tried it)... anything people tell you, your pretty much up for giving a go.
If you thought it was bad before...
Lets face it, no one likes a visit from their monthly friend but when that monthly friend is the thing that shows up which means this month wasn't the month it is SO much worse! Not gonna lie there have been some months I've had a little cry!
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