Monday, 2 January 2017

2017 - the year where s**t gets done!

Happy New Year! 
I know...I know its all very cliché to post one of these posts but I do love a good new year post! I can't help love the fresh new start that a year brings and I do love to set myself some goals for he new year. I had the word resolutions - I don't want to say resolutions because when you think of new years resolutions you think of something that does not last past the first 2 weeks of January! 

So 2017.. I have sat myself down and given myself a good talking to. I have decided that 2017 is going to be the year I get my s**t together! In general... all of me! I want to get to get more organised in my day job, want to get more organised with my guide and rainbow group, I want to start power dressing for work! Everything is gonna get more organised up in here. 
Heres a few other goals I want to achieve in 2017... 

Find an exercise that I love
I really want to find an exercise class or something that I can do on a weekly basis - something that will fit in to my busy day life. 

Read More
This appears on my list every year! I have a bookshelf of books.. I need to read them! 

Bring my A Game with my Business
I feel like this year my business has gone through up's and downs - I love working this business on the sideline of our day jobs and I want to get more involved. 

Work on me
As part of the above, working the business has helped to work on me! I want to get more confident, learn more skills and keep developing myself. 

Lose 5 stone
This sounds a lot but its what I need to lose (at least). This would be a pound and a half a week so I want to try an kick some butt with it! 

Sort of my skincare regime
Find products which suit me (I have quite a few I love) and sort a routine and stick to it! 

Track my steps - aim for 10,000 a day! 
Now I have my lovely Apple watch there is no excuse! Aim high and achieve! 

Blog More
I am finding myself falling back in love with my blog again - its not that I have ever fell out of love with it but I have found myself feeling more like blogging more! I haven't felt like this for such a long time so fingers crossed :) 

What are your goals for 2017! What do you want to achieve??