I thought I would share with you the latest addition to my handbag collection. I was getting a bit bored of the bag I was using and it felt a little small (for all the crap I like to carry round in my handbag) so I fancied a change and a new bag. I have had my eyes open for weeks to see if I could get a new bag but hadnt found anything I really liked. I wondered if I was being too fussy. I needed it to fit my Samsung Galaxy Tablet in as I take this to work to read on. I love satchel style bags and like ones that have long straps. Surely this can not be so hard.
And then on a girly trip to town I found itttttttttttt...
Isnt it pretty! This bag is called the Faux Snake Trim Satchel and is available in store and
online here at Topshop for £34.
I am so in love with this bag. It fits everything in which I want including my mac which rolls up. I will do another Whats in my bag post at some point because I haven't done one for probably 12 months. So keep your peepers peeled for that!
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