Sunday 11 December 2011

Crazy week...

So this week has been quite a hectic and crazy week. Mum has been off work so spent lots of time together enjoying trips to the town along with nanna. 

Thursday this week was graduation. I have been looking forward to Graduation because it would be nice to see all my friends from uni as since I finished my PGCE in July I hadnt seen some of them. I decided to wear a black dress I had brought a few christmas' ago for the work christmas do and teamed it with a pair of black patterned tights and after much deliberation finally decided on my red and cream heels. :)

On saturday me and my friend went into town to do a little bit of mooching around the shops, lunch, coffee and more mooching. I have been looking for a nice little black dress for a while now. I had exactly what I wanted in my head - isnt it weird how we do isnt it? We know exactly what we want and we are not happy unless we find eactly what we want. So yesterday when I was in town with my friend we went into new look and I spotted this beauty in New Look. 

Picture from New Look Online

This is exactly what I was looking for. It comes just past my knee and had a little sleeve. It had a wrap top and ties at the back. I cant wait to wear this dress. I have been looking for a dress I could dress up or wear casual with either coloured tights or ones with patterns or with leggings, with high boots or with flats. And here it is. And a bargain at £22.99 - my little christmas treat to myself. 

Also exciting news I have a job interview tomorrow :) Its not for a teaching job but for reception work at the hospital. Keep your fingers crossed for me because this could be just what I need. I could finally get out of the vicious circle I am in of Cant Drive - No money for lessons - No Job to get money - being held back because I cant travel. So I can finally start earning some pennies to save up for lessons and a car :)