Monday, 31 August 2015

Relax and just let the words flow...

Its weird.. for a couple of weeks now I have been feeling a little anxious about the neglect I have been giving my little blog. Yesterday while I was procrastinating I pulled up the main page of my blog and notices that in 2015 so far I had only written 26 blog posts and that pang of guilt came back again.

I dont know why I do this to myself. I have never been one of those people who felt like I was blogging to a massive audience but there is something even with a small audience like I have that just makes you feel guilty when you leave it so long.

Anyway today this post popped up on to my time hop - LINK - that I had written exactly 1 year to the date last year and it brought in some perspective for me. Dont get me wrong I absolutely LOVE my blog and there is no way I just want it to die away in a corner. I want to use it as a way of looking back and documenting things. On the flip side of that my life has suddenly in the last 18 months gone from me living at home with my mum and dad worrying about which nail polish I was going to buy next (ok so not really but you get the gist) to having a house, a husband to be, planning a wedding, starting a post graduate certificate with the open university, paying bills, cooking, cleaning, running our own business,  looking after 2 cats plus all my other commitments like Guides (soon to also be Rainbows and Brownies), Church, Choir.... my head spins just thinking about it all. So you know what I think I need to just take a second and think hang on! My life is pretty mental!

Like I say I do not want to forget about my blog because I love it. Its a way of me to talk about girly stuff Adam doesnt want to hear about, document all the plans for the wedding that we can look back on as well as being an awesome community that I want to be a part of!

Since we last caught up at the beginning on July when we had just got back from America. July and August have just seemed to go by in a flash! Heres a quick overview...

  •  I have spent most of what little free time I have working on an assignment I never thought I was going to get done, 
  • I have been offered a 3 month promotion at work which is awesome!  
  • Adam and I launched our business and although I haven't had a lot of time to work on the business itself, I have been using the products which are AMAZING! So keep your eyes peeled for some reviews on those! 
  • I booked a mini moon as a surprise for Adam - back to the holiday camp we met 16 years ago in Great Yarmouth - we are going there on the Monday after we get married
  • We have planned (we think) our Honeymoon which we are going to go on in September next year (lots of weddings next year including my brother in August so spreading it out) and we think we are going to go backpacking round Europe 
  • Its only 41 weeks and 4 days till we get married! 

I think that's about it! It doesnt sound a lot but add in a couple of weekends where we have been up to Sheffield visiting etc and its just been mental!

I am going to try and make a bit more time in my mental life for Blogging now! I have recently got an Ipad with 4G so hopefully I can do some on the move! I want to keep this updated with wedding plans and our lives - I have a week of in a few weeks and its all weddings including dress shopping and Mac Makeovers!!!

Hope you are all well!!!