So this week has been pretty hectic. With the house still all over the place it seems like we having been coming home and having to put everything back just to move it again. Anyway less of that..
Last week as a result of mum moving boxes around - mum found a box of old photos. Amongst them was a photo from my 1st year at primary school.
Im the one on the front row 3 one from the right with the massive glasses and the long white socks! Talk about cringe! Anyway as you do, i posted the picture on facebook and tagged all of the people i am friends with on there. Little did i know it was going to start a massssive discussion and catch up via facebook and loads of people commented on it!
On Tuesday we went out for a meal our local pub to celebrate my grandads 87th birthday. Just a lovely family celebration with my nanna and grandad, mum, dad, brother and my brothers fiancé. Anyway while I was out I got a message to say that some of my friends from primary school had been chatting and they had decided to meet up that night in the pub i was in! So after we had finished the meal I hung around met up with 3 of the people 2 who are in this photo and another who was in the other class but who was my best friend at primary school. Its weird, I haven't seen any of them for probably around 13 years since we left primary school and the conversation just seemed to flow! It was such a lovely evening and we shall definitely be doing it again!!!
Yesterday me and mum did some shopping in town and something may or may not have fallen into my boots basket while the triple points event was on. A Babyliss curl secret!!!
(I have a lovely photo to insert here but for some reason it has decided that it does not want to upload right now - however if you follow me on Instagram i have uploaded a couple of pics of my hair on there)
I am really excited by this! I have been eyeing it up since it came out and just couldn't resist it any longer. I have to say I am already in love with it having used it to play last night and using it properly this morning. The curls have stayed in perfectly all day and haven't dropped at all! I am excited to keep using this!!!
Anyway another week gone! heres to another - no doubt busy week!
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