How are we all??? I thought I would bob on and do a quick post. You may have noticed I have been a bit missing in action the last week and I thought I would bon on and just let you know what has been going on.
So last Monday I went to visit my friend after work and when I came back I felt a little off. Gradually over the week I got worse until Wednesday when I was at work when was still in pain and one of the girls asked one of our doctors to have a look at me (perks of working at the hospital). Anyway long story short I ended up having my appendix out on Thursday.
I stayed in Thursday overnight just so they could keep an eye on me and was back home Friday morning and I am slowly getting there recovery wise. Although I had the surgery done laparoscopically, it am still extremely sore and bruised and have spent the last few days on the sofa feeling sorry for myself on the sofa watching movies. Today is really the first day I feel remotely like even getting up and doing anything and although I am still on the sofa watching movies I thought I would add in my laptop for a bit of blogging and christmas shopping to cheer me up a little bit!
I have had such lovely messages - thank you to all those who have messaged me on instagram or twitter with get well messages! I have had some lovely cards from the girls from work and the people in my choir and I feel very blessed that so many people have asked or send messages! It really does make you realise how much you mean to people when your not well!
So anyway, I have lots of blog posts planned! If I am being chained to the sofa while I recover (bless my mum) I figure I may as well make use of my time! I have lots of different ideas for christmas posts this year including my ever popular gift guides! I have extended on them this year so there will be plenty to chose from this year!!
Hope your all well. Dont forget if you feel like chatting I am always on twitter! Keep me company so I dont go crazy :)
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