Monday 5 August 2013

Use it dont lose it

We all do it... you get to the end of a bottle of product, that time when it will no longer come out, and in the bin it goes. I remember reading a blog post a while back when Thifty Mrs said about how much product was wasted when we throw products away like this. I have been desperately tried to get the dregg ends of my Rimmel Primer out for weeks then one sunny Thursday morning I squidged and squidged and it just would not come out. Something in the back of my mind came back to this post and before I knew it I was cutting into the top of the primer. I figured it would last me a couple of extra days but then when I looked into the cut open packet I was shocked!!!

I could not even believe how much primer there was left in there! I was using it since then and it lasted an extra 2 weeks! I was shocked! I mean you wouldn't throw away anything else with product left in would you, so why do we do with beauty products? I have definitely learnt my lesson now and shall be doing this again.

Are you a chucker or a cutter???