Saturday, 19 October 2019

Skincare Routine: Turning 30 and sorting my self out!

Skincare is something I have always had a love hate battle with when it comes to having a proper routine, often making the quick and lazy choice over something that was actually good for my skin. 

I’ve always been quite lucky really when it came to my skin type and have never really suffered with excess dryness, oiliness or breakouts and just had what skincare experts would call “normal” skin. 

After having Erin, it seems like I fell victim to what lots of women do, and a crazy rush of hormones made my skin go wahhhhh! And suddenly I went from having a normal skin type to it being very dry! As I was also on the approach to turning 30 I decided it was time to start having a proper look at my skin and trying to figure out actually what the best things to start using were. 

I’ll be honest, after bobbing up and down in that bubble of trying to find a proper routine with a small baby and not knowing what to use, I didn’t actually get into properly sorting out where I was until after my 30th birthday. As a treat to myself during the week I had off at the end of March, just before I went back to work full time after maternity leave, I booked myself a facial with the girl who does my brows. 
I’ve never really had a proper facial before, Anneli had been doing my brows a while so we started with a good chat about my skin. She told me my skin was dehydrated and explained some type of products which would benefit them, however she said the main thing that would benefit it was a proper routine! So as soon as I got home I started looking at some of the things she said and doing my own research on blogs and websites from such gurus as Caroline Hirons. 

I’ve been using a proper routine for a few months now and have been making a special effort to make sure I take my make up off which is something I always fall down on! 

These are the bits I keep in my bedroom on my dressing table. Normally I start the day with Clinique face wash. Then I use the nip + fab pads as kind of a second cleanse. I’ve recently started using the sanctuary spa glow radiance toner since my Clinique 3 step one ran out. This has 5% glycolic acid in which I have noticed is making a huge difference to my skin. I then use the oils of life essence lotion. I picked this and also the eye cream up when we went to this morning live back in May after having a chat with the lady on the body shop stand. Adding this step in helps to lock in any other moisture I pop onto my skin after and I have noticed a huge difference since using it. I’m yet to find a nice serum that I like and have noticed a huge difference in, I’ve been eyeing up the one from Beauty Pie but at the moment I’m using this vitamin C one from generation, it’s nice but I’m not sure it’s as nice I would like a serum to be. My moisturiser of choice at the moment is the L’OrĂ©al Hydra Genius. I’ve been really enjoying this and is a massive change from a normal cream and is more of a silky gel. I think this would be something I would repurchase. 

Other additions to my skincare routine come in the way of things I tend to use in the bathroom... face wash, make up removers, masks and exfoliators.
In terms of make up removers, I’ve tried my fair share over time. I have decided more recently I love a nice balm cleanser and my 2 go to ones would be the Body shop camomile and the No7 radiant results. 
I’m yet to discover a decent mask or exfoliator which I love... I recently purchased the ordinary “vampire mask” although yet to try it but if you have any firm faves in either catagory girl me a shout! 

I think that as with anything, there’s so much room for change. I often can’t resist a new product launch but I think I’m finally starting to get into some sort of routine with knowing what works well for my skin and what doesn’t! Fingers crossed anyway!