Saturday, 8 June 2019

A place to start again...

I’ve thought long and hard many times about sitting down and writing here again as it’s been almost 10
months since I did. Part of me questioned what the point was, no one is listening anyway then I remembered, it doesn’t matter. I didn’t start this blog because I wanted to raise in to this massively successful thing. I did it because it was something I enjoyed and it was a place I could share my thoughts, feelings and memories. 

Blogging itself has changed massively. A lot of the “original” bloggers who made the industry a popular activity like Louise Pentland, Zoe Sugg, Fleur de Force, Tanya Burr.., they have all moved away from the world of blogging and branched out to the world of YouTube. Anyway I digress... reading or not I’m here.. I’m back (but if you are reading feel free to say hi!) 

So the last 10 months as you can imagine has been a whirlwind. My tiny little bundle is now a bundle of absolutely craziness who is running round the house and making our lives absolutely joyous! 

I know everyone says this but she is absolutely amazing. She is so clever, funny and genuinely lights up every day of our lives! Watching her learn every day is honestly a constant source of amazement - I can’t believe how intelligent she is becoming! Even on the worst of days a tiny giggle from her makes everything ok! 

We celebrated lots of milestones this year. Adams brother got married and we had a lovely day celebrating with all the family. We went on our first holiday with Erin and Adams family to Centre Parcs (seriously couldn’t believe how much stuff we had in the car!). Erin was christened. We welcomed another addition into the family when my brother and his wife had my niece, we celebrated a lovely family Christmas and a quiet new year. I went back to work and the world didn’t end. We went on holiday to butlins - just the 3 of us. And here we are! So much has happened! Part of me is annoyed at myself that I stopped writing here because of all the lovely memories I’ve missed documenting on here but I have taken literally 1000s if pictures and am currently starting to work on a scrapbook for Erin and if you follow me on Instagram (life_with_mrs_b) you will have seen our adventures.

I can’t wait to start sharing on here again. All my thoughts and feelings. Documenting Erin as she grows up. Sharing life as a family of 3. My weight loss journey with slimming world which continues. As always with this blog, I want it to just be an extension of me and my thoughts.. xxx