Ever since I was little, I've always been the bigger one in my friends.. the "fat" one if you like.. however I'll be honest.. it has never really bothered me - not in a way of I wasn't bothered about my weight... thats not what I mean. I mean it has never knocked my confidence enough to stop me from getting my arms out or wearing something I loved. I found my style, dressed for the shape I had and embraced my curves.
They say that pregnancy can change you. I absolutely loved being pregnancy and was one of those people who loved to flaunt my pregnancy bump. I mean why hide the fact your doing something as amazing as growing a human?
Since giving birth, I embraced my post baby body. I didn't gain much weight during pregnancy and quickly lost it within a week of giving birth. However a couple of weeks ago, we went to a party for one of our friends who was turning 30. One of our friends took a picture of Me, Adam and Erin and the moment I saw it on Facebook it made me cringe. Then over the last couple of weeks I have started to feel uneasy. Every outfit I put on I haven't felt right in and haven't been comfortable. All of a sudden my body confidence seems to have disappeared.
I know what your thinking... Erin is only 7 weeks old, I should give myself a break but its such a weird feeling when you have always been pretty happy in your own skin to suddenly feeling self conscious and uneasy.
So its time to make a change. I've made a couple of changes which I am going to put into place to try and boost myself again, including changing my Slimming World Class. I've been going to the same class since I was a teen and bob up and down with my weight loss. Before Adam and I got together I successfully lost 4 stone and gradually have put 3 stone of that back on over the 4 years we have been together. I think attending the same class has become more of a habit now and I don't feel like I am getting anything from the group. I'm hoping a shake up will be just what I need. Plus the new class we have found is on a Saturday morning, which will be better for taking Erin along to. I need to be excited about it again. If you head over to my Instagram I want to start documenting my journey on their more. We've decided to take a break this week and will be rejoining the new class next Saturday. I'm hoping a little break and a fresh start will give me the kick up the butt I need. Watch this space!
Do you have any tips on boosting your mojo?? Help a girl out!
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