After 9 months of building up to a due date.. waiting for baby to appear, knowing that you are booking in to be induced is sure a weird feeling? Has anyone else experienced this? Can you relate?
When your waiting for baby to arrive on their own, everything you do, you wonder if it will be the last time... the last time you get a full nights sleep, the last night you go out just the 2 of you.
Knowing today is the day everything is going to happen is strange!
As part of our present from my baby shower at the weekend, my Nanna gave us an envelope with strict instructions that it was for me and Adam not baby and told us to treat ourselves. So last night, knowing it was our last night as a couple we went for a lovely meal at chiquitos - we drank mocktails (well.. I did), chatted and had a really lovely evening!
When we got home.. Adam said to me.. well it’s weird to think the next time I drive the car will be to pick little Miss up from the hospital (my dad is driving us today to save us taking our car) which was a bizarre thought!
I got up this morning, knowing that the empty crib next to our bed would have a baby in it next time I slept in our bed and took an extra couple of minutes in the shower this morning knowing it was probably the last time in a while I would enjoy a shower rather than it just being a quick get clean and get out! 😂
So yes.. all in all... I feel strange! I’m so excited for today! And a little nervous too! I know I can do this, I guess it’s just the unknown! Keep your fingers crossed for me anyway!
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