Monday, 19 January 2015

Its all getting a bit new around here....

So I have been thinking for a while about shaking up my blog. I love my little space here on the internet but I felt like I needed something new...

A couple of people have questioned me recently about my instagram name... why are you called unloved button... your engaged and live with your fella. Half tempted to go into the story behind my blog name which I actually developed not because I was unloved but because I used to like collecting random "unloved" buttons and use them to create something a bit cool...

Anyway the more I thought about it the more I fancied a bit of a rebrand of my blog and so after a lot of thinking and blogger trying (seriously every time I thought of anything I remotely thought sounded good it either wasn't available on Blogger, Instagram or Facebook!) - My Beautiful Forever is born!!!

I hope you will continue to stick with me! I am in the process of getting organised and I have lots of posts planned for the upcoming weeks! I am going try and continue with the post schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then any additional posts on other days will be a bonus!!!

If you have anything you would like to see let me know and I will try and accommodate :)
