Firstly I want to say thank you for sticking with me! I know there is nothing more annoying that a blogger who disappears for months. If you didn't see my last post about everything that was going on then check it out here
So anyway.. Im back from Ibiza which I will go more into in a sec and was absolutely fantastic and me and Adam have officially moved into our house! There are still a few things in boxes and we need a few more homely touches but its home :)
Ibiza was absolutely fantastic. It was such a lovely place. Ive been to Ibiza twice before to a different part of the island. This time we stayed in an area on the south side called Cala Llonga which is a really quiet little village with about 4 hotels, a few shops, a few bars.. its perfect.
I mean just look at that! Who can resist waking up to a view like that??? The fortnight was spent with lots of sunbathing, game playing, book reading... it was just what I needed.
I'll probably share some more photos and things I picked up (duty free anyone) soon but I just thought I would share that with you for now.
Tomorrow I am off to the 2nd Midlands Blogger Meet up - this time it is being held in Birmingham. I am really looking forward to meeting up with a lot of the bloggers that I met at the Nottingham event which I went to in February! I am really looking forward to kick starting blogging again by sharing my adventures with you! :P
Hope that you are all well. Leave me a comment and tell me what you have been up to :)
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