If you follow me on Twitter you will know I spent the day yesterday rehearsing for a concert that I took part in last night. I am pretty sure I have mentioned before that I sing in my church choir which I absolutely love! Anyway a couple of months ago one of the other ladies at my church who sings in a local group called the ceramic city choir asked if I would interested in singing in a concert they were doing (which they were letting people join in with) which was to be held a local concert venue, The Victoria Hall. I jumped at the opportunity because the Victoria is a fantastic venue.
It was such a fantastic day, we did Handels messiah which at first I was a little daunted about - if you havent heard it before seriously go and google it! its amazing but when you first look at it WOW! It was so nice singing with a large choir too - I think there were about 190 of us last night singing in the concert - 50 or 60 of which were Altos which is the part i sing - a bit different to to 3 of us which sing Alto in our church choir!
Ive been back to work this week! It felt strange going back after 3 weeks off but I felt like I had never been away! I love the girls I work with and I genuinely missed them while I was off! I am starting to feel much better and almost back to normal now! Especially since Friday when mum pulled a stitch out of one of my wounds (which wasnt healing properly) - ever likely if the stitch hadn't dissolved! Anyway I wont go into detail but it was HUGE and since Friday I cant tell you the difference!!!
I have another jam packed week ahead! Tomorrow we are going round to my friend Jeans house (you may have heard me talking about her before on Instagram or Twitter) - basically Jean used to be a fellow Alto in our choir but she is 82 and just after christmas she fell ill and basically her leg went all funny.. I dont really know what happened to it but the doctors told her she wouldnt walk again! Not to let anyone get her down Jean is up and about now, yes she can't run a marathon but she sure proved the doctors wrong. Anyway she can lift her leg properly to get up steps as it still a bit dodgy - recovering from things like that does take time when your 82 - and she cant lift her foot to get up to the choir stalls. Anyway tomorrow we are going around to her house to sing some christmas carols.
On Tuesday me and some of the others from my church are going around to one of the local retirement homes which our church is connected with to 'carol sing'. Then next Sunday is our Carol Concert at church which we have been rehearsing for (what feels like September) ages!
And then it is Christmas weeeeeeek!!! I am looking forward to Christmas week! I love a lot of the services at church - especially the christmas eve ones!
Elsewhere this weeks British Blogger Selection is to talk about Hair! I did a post here talking about my hair care routine not too long ago (ok so now I look it was September - wow this year has flown by) - To be honest when it comes to haircare I am a bit of a floater - I dont ever tend to stick to one brand and very often I dont repurchase anything as I like to try lots of different things. As there is always something new popping up on the market I tend to like to try new products a lot.
Up until about 6 or so months ago I was that girl who had about 3 different bottles of shampoo open on the side of the bath. When I had my hair coloured at the hairdressers, the recommended a shampoo which would lock in colour for long. Now at £12 a bottle I was a little dubious but I LOVE this shampoo! It is part of the Wella SP range and is the colour save and on closer inspection I have found that you can get it on Feel Unique here - I have been using this shampoo and have repurchased it a couple of times since I first picked it up!
In terms of styling I am currently using Wella SP Luxe oil - and at the minute the shampoo that goes with this as it was part of a deal that my hairdresser was doing - again this is available on Feel Unique here
In terms of styling I am pretty much the same as the post I linked above. I have the beauty of styling my hair either curly or straight quite easily. My GHDs are a saviour and more recently I have been in love with my Babyliss Curl Secret!
Anyway I hope you are all well! Obviously it is a busy busy time at the minute so over the next few weeks I will try my very best to keep you updated and post as much as I can!
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