Monday, 4 June 2012

Jubilee Fever!!

So Happy 60 years on the thrown to our lovely queen!!! And hasnt it been an excuse to be all patriotic and don red white and blue for the entire weekend! I am currently sat watching the Jubilee Concert on the tv! How good is it! This post to be honest is just a bit of a random spattering of Jubilee stuffs :P But I thought it deserved its own post!

On the left my lovely patrotic nails and on the right lovely cupcakes made by Matt :)

I also wanted to share with you an OOTD - I dont do these very often but I love this new dress I brought last weekend so I wanted to share it with you :D

Dress: £22.99 from New Look (from the inspire section) 
Cardi: £6 from Asda

I teamed it today with a pair of thick black tights and a pair of lush red and cream heels! 

I hope that you have all had a lovely Jubilee Weekend whatever you have been doing. I am back to work tomorrow as unfortunatley I dont get to have 4 days off just 3 but I do get to take my day somewhere else in the year which to be honest is better! I am taking it 3 weeks when me and matt are off to London for West end Live which I shall probably blog about on its own :)