Thursday, 25 August 2011

Day 7 - Random fact #2

Ermmmmmm oh man! It was hard enough to think of the first one let alone another one... Hmmm

Right ok, Got one...

My lucky number is number 2.. (there's more)
The reason this started off as my lucky number generated from a board game I used play with my mum and brother growing up called pay day. It's where you go along a board shaped like a calendar and different stuff happens on different days (sat = lottery etc)
Anyway number 2 on the payday board was to win £5000 and I always used to want to land on that square.
And since then it has become sort of a lucky number... I also like it because it's an even number..

Ok I thought of another one.. I'll share it since there's no random fact #3...
I've got a thing about odd numbers. I can't put the tv and stuff on an odd number (unless it has a 5 in it because to me that's round) weird eh?
